Friday, July 16, 2010

Truckers Truck You

So yesterday I was driving down many roads with a handy GPS system that took me all over the place.  I had to do many things on my 3 hour break.  I was merging on to I385 and pulled up next to an 18 wheeler.  I sped up because I needed to get in front of him cause there were a lot of cars behind him.  The next thing I know is the guy sped up too.  I sped up more and I was running out of lane quickly.  The next thing I know is that I was on the shoulder with cars whizzing by me while I had to come to a complete stop.  Plus I was on a overpass which didn't help out either.  I thought I was gonna die.

Later I get on I85 and there is one lane closed so it said 45mph and do not pass.  I slowed down but was still over the speed limit and there was an truck riding my tail probably within a few feet of me.  Then another truck got in the left lane and passed me.  Again, I thought I was gonna die.  I never thought I wouldn't come close to death twice in one day, but thankfully God was protecting me.

Psalm 20:1
May the LORD answer you when you are in distress;
may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.  

Tomorrow I leave for Camp Cedar Cliff for the summer.  I am excited and will miss everyone!

Monday, July 12, 2010


When I was in Myrtle Beach, there was a man who was doing free balloons for people so I asked for a Liger.    He said he could make one for me so he did...It turned out to look more like a mouse with an abnormally long tail so I went into a store to make it more like a Liger.  The store was ironically called the Christmas Mouse, which I laughed at internally.  There was a sign that said, "NO FOOD OR DRINK", so I asked if Ligers were allowed.  The lady said yes as she laughed and puzzled at the same time.  Then I asked some other ladies if I could borrow a sharpie.  They also laughed and were confused but got one for me.  We had a good conversation as I turned my mouse into the Liger that it should be.  

Later that night I got bored and got a ferocious picture with my Liger and then the light went off like in that show PB&J Otter.  If you got that high five yourself, the person next to you, or the computer.  Well, I made a story of my Liger.  Sorry for the stupid red print (I couldn't find a free program that would work and not put stupid print across the picture).  

P.S. Click on the picture to make it bigger.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Forgot About This...

So on Saturday, May 15 (before I had a blog), I came home from playing paintball with some radians--people that go to radius.  I was dirty, sweaty, painty, basically looking forward to a nice cool shower.  My mom called me while she was at home while I was on my way to play earlier that day to let me know that she would put the spare key outside so I could get in.  Well I come home and the door is locked.  I look for the key in the place and it isnt there.  So I just sit around for 30 min outside in the afternoon heat just frustrated.  I think to go to the place behind our house that the key used to be in and it wasn't there but I find two kittens.  They were abandoned and had flies, mosquitoes, and a bunch of goop around their eyes which basically made their eyes mostly closed.  One couldn't even walk straight and fell down a lot.  I just wanted to keep walking by, but I couldn't...I felt a moral obligation to help but I couldnt really couldn't do anything.  It ended up being 3 hours with these kittens that followed me around meowing at me to help.  I got cat food and soap from neighbors washed them off after I gained my composure and my parents showed up a little bit later.  We got some of the goop out and they never ate cat food but it was worth a try.  We got them kitten milk (I didn't know that existed in stores) and fed them with a bottle.  They hated the bottle because they didn't know what it was.  Plus the fact that they were almost dead didn't help.  We had to feed them like a little baby--every 2-3 hours.  Eventually a friend of my sister decided to take them after 3 days of taking care of them, which seemed like forever because they rarely stopped meowing and waking me up in the middle of the night.

Lesson leaned:  I am not ready for a baby because that is what you have to put up with only you have to change diapers as well.  Well yeah that is about it. From what I have heard they are doing a lot better and now are normal.



Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Sunburned, laughing till you couldn't breathe any more, heckling the employees on the rapids ride (one of the employees told us to after the ride broke down), asking the venders for ridiculous things like "How much for the lemons in the lemonade but not the lemonade?" or "Do you sell fake abs?" or "Do you have hard frozen lemonade instead of soft frozen lemonade?" or "Guess how many freckles I have?" (to the lady who guesses your age or birthday to win a prize), double heel clicking, doing a photo shoot for the guys who take your picture as you walk in, get minor burns on your feet as you walk barefoot on the concrete in the water park, flicking powerade tops to each other, talking to random people, eating 15 slices of pizza at cici's, almost overdrafting with $.83 left in your bank account, jammin' to tunes in a non-air conditioned car on a 95° day, playing car games like counting all the yellow cars and punch bugs (it gets intense) and the best of all, playing marco polo with a couple hundred people in the wave pool.

So I guess I will explain more of the marco polo thing. Me and the rest of the gang head on into the wave pool. The PFDs (personal flotation device) caught my eyes as I was running into the water. I grabbed one and put it on...I found out it was made for toddlers but it still barely fit while partially choking me. After the waves stop it turns into your ordinary ridiculously big pool. I was already getting stares from everyone with my PFD, but I got a lot more when I shouted to the top of my lungs, "MARCO!!!" A couple people said Polo the first time, then more the second, then after a few times the whole wave pool of about a couple hundred people yell, "POLO!!!" I had my eyes closed and I said something like, "I feel like I am at a concert or something." I peeked just to see how many people were there and it was unbelievable. There was a lot of empty space around me and everyone seemed to be playing. I mean it was one of the coolest things I have ever seen. Some people asked if we could stop and the lifeguards refused from what my friend told me.

So the moral of the story is: when your bored waiting for the waves to come back on in a wave pool, play marco polo (and bring a video camera cause I didn't.)

I didn't take this but this is an underestimate of somewhat how many people were there...It was a hot day!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Honoring 'Merica and its Servicemen

So as I am writing this sentence it is technically still July 4th, but I cant type 300 words a minute so it will be July 5th. I also get distracted a lot even when it isn't homework...butterfly!

So today is a great time to honor servicemen. No, I am not talking about the military or special forces or even the Coast Guard; I am talking about your very own FUPO--the Furman University Police Officers.

So I don't own a car a probably won't own one while I am at Furman. I have heard stories about how it is impossible to not get written up once in your four years there. I didn't have a car so I thought well that won't happen to me. I worked at Furman and heard stories of their encounters with them and their negative feelings towards the officers--well just some of them. I was kinda shocked. I always hear bad stuff about the officers coming from the students but the faculty too?! Yep, it was true. My encounters with FUPO haven't been that great either.

Last semester I rode the shuttle a few times and I was laughed at but whatever my bike was stolen and I don't own a car so I was screwed sometimes. As I was riding FUPO stopped him and started to heckle him. It was all for fun and games, but seriously, is there anything else they do at night? The driver voiced his strong feelings about them. He said basically they are want-to-be cops. He told me a story about how FUPO called up the shuttle and asked to go to MacDonald's in order to get their weed. He said he was confused but went to pick them up and there was no one there. He said this happened two or three times at night.

During maymester, I drove my parent's car there because well you know why. I didn't know where to park so I parked in the student center lot, which was about a 4-5 min. walk. I heard from students that FUPO doesn't care about parking in the summer so I parked in 10 min. parking for the last couple of days. On the very last day I see a ticket on the car and I about lost it; it was a $60 ticket. I panicked at first but I went to public safety and was gonna "stick it to the man" (and officer 21. Personally I think that there should be a movie called 21, which isn't about black jack but about officer 21's life and what happend to him during his life that he would want a job that just deals with writing people up and making people pay way extremely expensive tickets.) I got out of the $40 no permit fine and supposedly there is a pass specifically for people without a permit for maymester. I didn't get out of the $20 ticket for parking in 10 min. but I did pay it the next day which I got half off. One of the officers said something along the lines of, "That's a good deal. That's like getting a $60 car for $20. I said, "Yeah, you show me where they sell $60 cars". After my conversation, I learned that there is no such thing as public parking at Furman--even in the chapel lot, student center lot, and any other lot that most people think is "public" parking. Supposedly you must get a one day parking pass, but no one knows that and it is not advertised anywhere until you get a ticket.

So all of us Furman people salute you FUPO for working hard and making sure that the basically empty campus during the summer has cars not longer than 10 min. in 10 min. parking, checking passes, lightening up the mood with some prank calls, and making sure we don't break the 18 mph speed limit on various roads.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Cooking Rats, Talking Toys, and Owl City.

So I saw Toy Story 3 on opening night and it was one of the best animated movies I have seen. It brought respect to the series after the second ruined its reputation. It was so cool that Andy's age paralleled with my generation. He gets older in ever movie and he is going to college like most of us or are already in college. After I saw that movie, I just wanted to find my old toys and play with them and actually felt bad for not playing with them. I don't think I went so far as thinking that my toys really talked to each other, but movies can do weird things like that to you.

So I am going to work at this amazing camp and I can't watch anything over a G-rated movie so my movie selection has significantly dwindled, but on the bright side I really don't really even watch movies that much anyways. I hadn't seen Ratatouille and it was fortunately G so I decided to watch it tonight. Wow, so that is another really good movie. It is inspiring and shows that anyone can do anything or I guess anything can do anything (in the case of a rat). During the movie I felt bad for rats and how when we see them we try to kill them, but I mean they can carry disease along with other not so nice things from their "swimming pool" or "river" that they live in.

Well Owl City was a stretch, but I am a late night person, no an insomniac. I am usually the only one up at night, which gets lonely. I didn't even get that much sleep last night and I am still up late. Well Owl City is supposedly an insomniac in "Fireflies", which is why I made that connection. Maybe I should make a FB group and then we could night.