When we got there there was frisbee, soccer, volleyball, and amazing views to keep us busy. There is also this cool thing called slacklining. Check it out if you don't know about it. Well so I am new to this and keep falling. So I start doing war chants when I try and I got the furthest I had gotten. So I do it again and fall to the side and my feet get tangled with the line and I fall about 3 feet on my hip. It was a loud thud and it hurt pretty bad. My hip is still sore and bruised. I got drugged up and put ice on it because the next day I had to go white-water rafting. Eventually, we got our tent set up and was thankful that it didn't rain and the weather was really nice except for when the sun went down then dropped 20 degrees.
We had some awesome spaghetti and corn. It was an interesting combination. At dinner I made some of the best pick up lines that I have ever heard come out of my mouth. I couldn't stop either. I would have to say that I was flowing like Lil Wayne. It worked and now we are engaged and there is going to be a raffle to come to my wedding. I mean our marriage was being planned in a span of a couple hours.
So not thinking I didn't pack any warm clothes. I was freezing while playing some intense ERS game, in which I was unfairly cheated out, but it's ok cause now I know the girl as jerk or meany-face. I actually really don't know her name...well I do, it's jerk or meany-face depending on my mood.
There was a sweet kickin' campfire with smores in all and random talking and a random dude brought a guitar and we sang and chilled and relaxed. Yes, I relaxed at Furman. It is a rare thing. Also a lot of us got hungry so we ate cold spaghetti and gummy snacks...another glorious combo right there.
The next day was white-water rafting. This thing had class 2 rapids to class 5. We had a baller raft guide named Mo. We were the best group he has ever had (according to me) and he has been there about as many years as I am alive. Some girl got her cartilage ripped and I fell out and almost lost my shorts but everyone was ok. It was intense and fun with huge drops and synchronized paddling.
One fun weekend fo sho.

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